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Updated October 18/09

Bow Fish Winni, Turkeypond, Great East lake.
Fishing the B.F.L. tour and FLW Everstart Trail,
would be glad to take and teach people new ways to 
catch fish.
William Flanders
Dover Fish Winnipesaukee mainly but familiar with many others. B8tcaster
Raymond Fish Winnipesaukee and many other surrounding lakes. Gumby112087
Rochester Fish all over NH and ME. Like to fish 1 to 7 AM but will fish during the daytime. Like to fish Winnipesaukee and other lakes in NH/ME. I'm 41 years old and retired for health reasons so can go fishing any day or night of the week. Have a '86 17' Starcraft deep V, 50 hp; it's slow but does the trick. I'd be happy to take someone fishing as 
long as you're a non smoker and no alcohol. I like to fish 4-6 hours at a time.
Bob 1966
Bob T.
Springfield Fish Crystal Lake, Goose Pond, Pleasant Lake, 
Connecticut River, Little Sunapee.
George Nassor
Weare Fish both Winni's and Squam. (all the waters) and
Sebago, ME.
John 'Mac' McMahon
West Lebanon Fish Mascoma, Crystal, GoosePond, Conn.River. Bikehike
Rob Morse
Whitefield Fish Winnipasaukee, Champlain.
Fishing Northern Divisional 2010, Nationals on Harris Chain 2010. Will be in Florida 2nd week in November. Just looking to fish, will help with expenses, either fun fish
or tourney.
Victor Knight